This is an installation about the shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Florida. The victims will not be forgotten. This piece is called, "In Remembrance."
On June 12, 2016, Omar Mateen, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in a hate crime/attack inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
These bottles were made to remember those who lost their lives on that day. The beer bottle represents the Gay Bar, a place so many of us thought of as our home, a refuge and place of safety where we met with friends and others like us. The Gay Bar became the place where we knew we would not be turned away because of our gender or sexual preference. This was an attack on that place, our friends, and our pride. I will remember.
Peeping Pat McCrory. Shame on Governor McCrory and his absurd obsession with which bathrooms people use. There are real life repercussions of politics.
This is a piece done in response to the passing of House Bill 2 in North Carolina.
Pissing on NCHB2. #wejustneed2pee.
This project was part of National Clay Week and is in collaboration with the Socially Engaged Craft Collective and Project Canary. These pieces were dropped in bathrooms across the state of North Carolina during National Clay Week. Each object is imbedded with a code and a tag that will direct you to and was inspired by someone's story. For more information on how to get involved go to the website.
What's in a Name? The above piece reflects the process of getting my legal name changed in the state of North Carolina. The standard procedure for a name change was altered after 9/11. The documents required are; NC Drivers License, Recent copy of Birth Certificate, Two sets of finger prints, Two background checks, Tax Lean check, Petition to hang in Courthouse for 10 days, Official Request for name change, Two notarized affidavits of good character, Processing Fee. I then had to appear in court. In addition to changing my birth certificate and drivers license I was amazed at the lengthy process of changing everything else. Email accounts, PayPal, Ebay, Amazon, Magazine subscriptions, Bills, Diplomas, College Degrees...
On February 14, 2017 my legal name became MAC STAR MCCUSKER.
On February 14, 2017 my legal name became MAC STAR MCCUSKER.

I made this piece as part of the Gender Politics Series. It is an image of Bugs Bunny dressed in drag from the cartoon, "What's Opera Doc?" It is the earliest memory I recall of cross-dressing. I find it so interesting that some forms of cross-dressing is deemed acceptable and allowed if it is funny. The same can be said for roles in film and comedy. Gender roles can be changed and fluid if it is done with humor. Bugs, however is the stronger character and always outwits his foes, even in drag.
Topsurgery, 60 Days Post-Op: A Transgender Self-Portrait.

It's PAT! This is from the Saturday Night Live Skit, Julia Sweeney played the gender curious character. What I find most fascinating about this skit is that the discomfort surrounding Pats gender comes from everyone except Pat. Just how disturbed people are about not knowing the gender of someone else is remarkable.

The ever so fabulous Divine. A pose from Pink Flamingos.